The lens captures the phases of a lost creative process, moving from theoretical knowledge to experimentation. "FUORI PERIMETRO" is a photo exhibition by Rome campus students of the BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction. "Vivere x vivere", "Hole", "Punctum", "Ritrovarsi", and "Palomar" are the works on show at the Magazzini Fotografici in Naples from November 17 to 27. Already displayed on the occasion of the Open Day in May, the five shoots were taken within the Photography course, during the A.Y. 2021/22, under the NABA lecturer Valerio Polici's supervision. The opening will be on November 18 at 6:00 PM. Below is the information about the event and other photographic or art exhibitions.
"FUORI PERIMETRO": event information
Magazzini Fotografici, via S. Giovanni in Porta 32, Naples
Opening: Friday, November 18, from 6:00 PM.
The exhibition will be open from November 17 to 27
The exhibition is open from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM and from 2:30 PM to 8:00 PM, from Wednesday to Saturday; from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, on Sunday
Free entrance.
The works in the photo exhibition: credits
"Vivere x vivere" by Maria Rosaria Abagnale
"Hole" by Andrea D'Amico
"Punctum" by Carlotta Nardi
"Ritrovarsi" by Silvia Onesti
"Palomar" by Serena Santorelli
Magazzini Fotografici, Digid'A Fine Art Lab, Pierluigi Ferro Cornici, and Tipografia Giammarioli contributed to the exhibition project.
NABA exhibitions and events
BookCity Milano: the book launch of "Il rettangolo elettrico" on November 17 in Milan.
A CASA DI ALDA: an exhibition dedicated to Alda Merini, from October 24 to December 22 in Milan.
NABA Open Day: an overview of the Academy's didactic offer, on November 19 and December 16, Milan and Rome campuses.