From the workshop to the exhibition at the Institut français Milano, the Milan and the Rome campus students of the MA in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication took part in Scuola del Non Sapere. The ongoing project by Civic City involved French, Italian, Polish, and Malagasy educational institutions. Guided by NABA lecturers Imke Plinta and Annalisa Gatto, students devised a series of didactic wall panels, which focus is the relationship with the unknown and the analysis of knowledge representation and sharing. The works will be on show in Milan from January 26 to February 28. Then, they will move to Florence and Rome. Below is all the information about the event.

Scuola del Non Sapere: the exhibition in Milan

Institut français Milan, Corso Magenta 63, Milan

Panels public presentation: Thursday, January 26, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Schools and projects presentation: Thursday, January 26, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Exhibition opening: Thursday, January 26, from 7:00 PM

Exhibition period: from Thursday, January 26 to Tuesday, February 28.

The event is open to the public.



NABA events beyond the exhibition in Milan

NABA Open Day: an overview of the Academy's didactic offer, January 21 at the Milan campus, January 28 at the Rome campus.

NABA Communication Awards: the graphic design and communication contest dedicated to NABA students.