"PENSATE DOMANI È LA FINE DEL MONDO" provokes and highlights the need for a new attitude towards the natural and social world. The performance by NABA lecturer Elena Bellantoni has staged at Roma Arte in Nuvola thanks to Rome campus students of the Visual Arts Department.

Concept and protagonists of the performance

The climate and ecological crisis, the post-pandemic era and, more generally, present times are the background of "PENSATE DOMANI È LA FINE DEL MONDO". Recalling the film "Nostalghia" by Andreij Tarkovskij, twenty-nine young women masked as crows perform all around the space. They are destabilising elements and ambassadors of the gloomiest omens about humanity. Here, a tentacular and collective language fosters the alliance of bodies. Half human and half animal, these unknown entities ask for a reflection on new social paradigms through collective, gendered and multi-species actions.

The performers of "PENSATE DOMANI È LA FINE DEL MONDO" are the BA in Painting and Visual Arts students Giorgia Borgogno, Emanuela Esposto, Sabina Katanova, Claudia Longo, Sofia Martinoli, Irene Mattei, Daniela Pettinaro, Giulia Pistoso, Chiara Porzio, Michela Rosa. They and the NABA students Corinna Esposito, Ludovica Figura, Chiara Florido, Davide Mingolla, Ivana Moriello, Federica Russo, Silvia Santoro, Nicolò Tacmenau, Sara Telech, and Jhon Alexander Turco provided logistical support. To conclude, a special thank goes to the assistants Carlotta Macchioni and Giulia Martinelli. 

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