NABA is glad to present “Memestetica. Il settembre eterno dell’arte” by Valentina Tanni, art historian, curator and NABA Lecturer of the Digital cultures course of the BA in Media Design and Multimedia Arts, in the live presentation that will take place on December 16th at 7 pm on the Academy’s YouTube channel.

The book, published by NERO Editions, is an analysis of the impact that new technologies and social networks had on our visual universe through animated gifs, Photoshop retouch and appropriationist practices of all kinds and degrees.

The live presentation will be a unique opportunity to retrace the relationship between visual arts and digital cultures from the 2000s to the transformations of 21st century contemporary art under the pressure of the spread of the web and social media.

Through many examples “from Marcel Duchamp to TikTok”, the methods of use of images that characterise our times, changing their dynamics of sharing and consumption, as well as its communication processes, will be framed into new edges. 

Silvia Simoncelli, NABA Head of Education of Rome campus, art historian and curator, and Clusterduck, interdisciplinary collective working at the crossroads of research, design and filmmaking, and currently developing a Meme Manifesto, a cross-media project born with the aim of exploring the elusive potential and meanings of memetic symbolism.

The panel will be the first of the new initiative Books at NABA that will present a different book curated by a member of NABA Faculty, connected to the Academy’s disciplines.

On January 13th the presentation of “Drawing as Fighting, the experimental drawing manual by artist and NABA Lecturer Marco Bongiorni, developed in a series of notes accompanied by exercises inspired to the world of Boxe, will take place; a work method that involved NABA students in a performance that took place at Palais de Tokyo.

The talk will be available on December 16th at 7 pm on NABA’s YouTube channel