Anxiety about the end of the world is part of human imprinting. The APOCALISSE exhibition project explores such a socially shared feeling. On July 8, MA in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication* students faced such a topic by setting up a performative installation at Scalo Lambrate, via Saccardo, 12 in Milan.

The photography and video-art exhibition: concept and performance 

Photographic and video artworks of APOCALISSE go deep into an ancestral issue. Due to tragic events on a global scale, fear about the end of the world is as current as ever. The pandemic emergency, the ecological crisis, and the war between Russia and Ukraine scare the world and stimulate artists' minds. Thanks to their works, 97 MA students represented contemporary fears. They reproduced the civilisation's end by constructing and deconstructing the exhibition project.

Thirty-five works have been symbolically placed on thermal sheets for survival. During the performance, they have been wrapped to be disposed of. Through this gesture, the exhibition became a happening and an allegory of the imminent civilisation disappearance. APOCALISSE results from a didactic programme curated by NABA lecturers Luca Andreoni, Alessandro Calabrese and Francesco Zanot (Academic Master in Photography and Visual Design Course Advisor Leader) with the collaboration of Erik Kessels (artist, designer and curator). 

* Rome teaching delivery campus is subject to authorisation by MUR for A.Y. 2022/23

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