From artificial intelligence to blockchain, from digital transformation to the space economy: NABA launches a podcast series dedicated to the innovations that have led to new ideas and technological developments. In ten twenty-minute episodes, Massimo Pettiti (NABA lecturer) discusses the above topics with CEOs, founders, company managers and chairmen. "Storie di innovazione" is an in-depth journey to understand the changes in the world we are living in. It aims to explore the complexity of present times and to face and "design" the future in the best possible way. The brainchild of the NABA Industry Relations and Career Service Office, the podcast series on technology and creative developments is on Spotify and Spreaker.

The podcast on technology and innovative ideas

On November 21 at 6:00 PM, "Life-centred Design and Sustainability" is on-air. It is the first episode of "Storie di innovazione". Massimo Pettiti meets Ashley Benigno (Executive Director Experience Design - Ernst & Young). The conversation focuses on Design as a tool to "arrange" some aspects of everyday life.

Two of the next episodes guests will be Ugo Govigli (Investement Director - Atlantia), Fabrizio Costantini (Digital Transformation Director - Fastweb).




Beyond the Spotify podcast, the NABA events 

BookCity Milano: the book launch of "Il rettangolo elettrico" on November 17 in Milan.

A CASA DI ALDA: an exhibition dedicated to Alda Merini, from October 24 to December 22 in Milan. 

NABA Open Day: an overview of the Academy's didactic offer, on November 19 and December 16, Milan and Rome campuses.