An exhibition and a talk on accessible signage: here is the NABA's contribution to the Festival delle Abilità (FdA) 2023. From September 16 to 24, the park of Biblioteca Chiesa Rossa in Milan will host "Segnali Fragili" ("Fragile Signes"), an exhibition of the works by BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction students. On September 23 at 6:30 PM, a talk will explore the genesis of the signage/wayfinding projects and the issue of best practices in the field of communication and accessibility.

NABA at Festival delle Abilità: event information

Biblioteca Chiesa Rossa, via San Domenico Savio 3, Milan

Exhibition: from September 16 to 24 (opening time: Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM; from Tuesday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM; Sunday and Monday closed).

Talk: Saturday, September 23 from 6:30.

Free Entrance.

The exhibition and the talk on accessible signage: concept and credits 

Festival delle Abilità is a cultural and performing arts event. It focuses on the accessibility of culture and art to people with disabilities, whether artists or viewers. Its programme includes shows, exhibitions, performances and debates. Contents are translated into Italian Sign Language (Lis), streamed live with a transcription service and, in some cases, audio-descriptions.  

Led by Luca Ferreccio (NABA lecturer), Communication and Graphic Design Area students are the authors of the first signage/wayfinding study dedicated to the event space. They took up the challenge by Patrizia Moschella (Communication and Graphic Design Area Leader), who will take the floor with Luca Ferreccio himself during the talk on September 23. Here, they will outline the critical gaps in contemporary signage design methodologies. At the same time, they will show how students addressed these problems within the Brand Design course of the BA in Graphic Design and Art Direction. Their aim was to give rise to new best practices in the field of communication and accessibility. The conversation will also introduce the projects on show, born in collaboration with Festival delle Abilità.