On November 20, at 6:30 PM in Classroom G 0.4 of the NABA Campus in Milan, anthropologist Eduardo Kohn will, for the first time in the city, present his innovative essay “Come pensano le foreste. Per un’antropologia oltre l’umano”. The event will feature a dialogue with Andrea Staid (NABA anthropologist and NABA lecturer). Born in Boston in 1968, Kohn is an Associate Professor at McGill University in Montreal. The talk will be introduced by Marco Scotini (NABA Visual Arts Department Head) and Gabriele Sassone (Course Leader of the Academic Master in Art and Ecology).


"Come pensano le foreste. Per un’antropologia oltre l’umano": redefining the boundaries of traditional anthropology


Eduardo Kohn's book, globally translated and published in Italy by Nottetempo, emerges from ongoing ethnographic research and direct experience with the Runa people of the Upper Amazon in Ecuador. In this remarkable volume, the author challenges the very foundations of anthropology, questioning the fundamental assumptions about what it means to be human and thereby distinct from all other life forms. Thus, Kohn steers the field of anthropology in an unprecedented and thrilling direction, offering a broader and more open way of thinking about a radically shared planet, a topic also explored in the NABA Academic Master in Art and Ecology.


"Come pensano le foreste”: Eduardo Kohn at NABA


Monday, November 20, 2023

From 6:30 PM to 7.30 PM - Classroom G 0.4

NABA Campus, Via Carlo Darwin 20, Milan

Free entrance.