NABA is pleased to present, on June 17th at 5.30 pm the panel "Inhabit the uninhabitable, creativity of the margins and ecologies of survival" which will take place within its campus in Rome, and will see the participation of Anna Cestelli Guidi, curator and visual arts manager of the Musica per Roma Foundation and NABA lecturer, of the artist Rogelio Lopez Cuenca, Hou Hanru, Art Curator and Artistic Director of MAXXI the National Museum of XXI Century Arts, of Marie Kraft, Director of the Scandinavian Circle, of the artist, architect, researcher, curator and NABA lecturer Lorenzo Romito and Marco Scotini, NABA Visual Arts Department Head, of Elo Vega artist and researcher at Real Academia de España in Rome and Luca Vitone, artist and NABA lecturer. The panel will be introduced by Silvia Simoncelli, Head of Education of NABA in Rome.

The panel will be open to the public with free entrance until full capacity is reached, and will develop in a walk that will depart from the campus in via Ostiense 92 at 7.00 pm.

The panel revolves around some of the themes addressed during the Public art course: a training, nomadic and playful, open to everyone, with or without a degree or residence permits, aimed at designing paths of mutual learning, through the sharing of knowledge and skills, stimulating transdisciplinary and cross-cultural expressive collaboration in understanding and interpreting the relationships between different spaces, times and people. A path that educates in social creativity, in collective, exploratory and experimental action, which invites those who participate in it to be present, to respect others, to listen to places and those who live there, to creative interaction with the unexpected and the stranger.

The panel will be part of a week full of events that the Visual Arts Department dedicates to the students of NABA campus in Rome. In fact, on June 16th NABA will host the itinerant workshop "Inhabit the uninhabitable" by the Stalker collective, the urban art laboratory, an interdisciplinary choral subject interested in exploring transformations, with Giulia Fiocca, Morteza Khaleghi, Lorenzo Romito. On June 17th the students of the first and second year of NABA's BA in Painting and Visual Arts will get the chance of taking part to artist and NABA lecturer Luca Vitone’s workshop, and on June 18th, they will also have the opportunity to participate in a workshop by the Russian collective of artists, academics and activists Chto Delat.

Inhabit the uninhabitable, creativity of the margins and survival ecologies

Panel with Anna Cestelli Guidi, Rogelio Lopez Cuenca, Hou Hanru, Marie Kraft, Lorenzo Romito, Marco Scotini, Elo Vega, Luca Vitone
June 17th at 5.30 pm

Campus NABA, via Ostiense 92, Rome
Free entrance until full capacity is reached, mandatory booking by sending an e-mail to