12th and 13th November follow the talks on NABA YouTube channel

For the third year in a row, NABA joins BookCity Milano 2020, the event dedicated to books and the literary world, with four digital events that follow the leading themes of this year edition: the main concept #terranostra (our land) and the valorisation of women and their talents, a theme that was promoted by the Comune di Milano. The talks will be available online on NABA YouTube channel.

On Thursday 12th November at 5:30 pm the opening panel “Giovani autrici a confronto” will tell many different stories of NABA alumnae and their relationship with contemporary arts, intertwined with the themes of gender identity and internationality, going from Italy to China.  

Art critic and NABA lecturer Elvira Vannini, expert on studies about the relationship between art and feminism, will moderate the debate with Charlie Moon author of “Dicono di noi” (Sonzogno), Federica Mutti author of “I Sorvolati” (Bookabook), Manuela Piccolo author of “Indisciplinata” (Postmedia Books), Liang Yiyan author of “Why Don’t you show your anger?” (Artist Publishing Project - AP Project) and Letizia Clementi Author of “A matter of change” (Amazon Kindle).

On the same day at 7 pm, the catalogue “Au Revoir” created by artist and NABA lecturer Ettore Favini, published by Connecting Cultures and winner of Italian Council 2019, with and introduction curated by Marco Scotini, NABA Visual Arts Department Head, will be presented in a dedicated talk. Ettore Favini, Roberta Garieri, researcher (Rennes 2), NABA alumna and curator of Au Revoir Exhibition, and Anna Detheridge, President and Founder of Connecting Cultures will take part to the talk. A journey through time and space following the routes of denim, a textile with ancient origins, great protagonist of fashion and modern costume histories. Au Revoir is a project curated by Connecting Cultures and realised thanks to the support of Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo within the program Italian Council (2019).

On Friday 13th November NABA will take part to two talks that will include the presentation of two different publications by the Academy’s lecturers.

At 5 pm within the first talk La capanna tra architettura e filosofia Leonardo Caffo, philosopher, curator and NABA lecturer will present his book “Quattro capanne o della semplicità” (Nottetempo). The dialogue with Luca Poncellini, architect and Design and Applied Arts Department Head, will revolve on the contemporary living and the research of simple things, in which the hut becomes the archetype of a balanced lifestyle, respectful of environment.

At 6:30 pm on NABA YouTube channel, it will be possible take part to Autosostenersi nel lavoro culturale the panel during which the novel “Uccidi l’unicorno” (Il Saggiatore), a first person storytelling of the power of image and the system that produce it, will be presented. The author, Gabriele Sassone, NABA Critical Writing lecturer, will take part to the talk along with Elvira Vannini, art critic and NABA lecturer and Stefano Valenti, writer.

The talks will be available on:
Youtube @NABAmilano